Frequently Asked Questions
How many students are in each class?
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) = 30
Kindergarten = 30
Grades 1-8 = An average of 30-36 per class
What are the school hours?
Regular Hours: 8:00AM - 3:00PM K - 8th Grades
8:15AM - 2:30PM TK
Minimum Day Hours: 8:00AM - 11:45AM K - 8th Grades
8:15AM - 11:30AM TK
Is there child care?
We are very proud of our Kids' Club facility. The facility is open from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. when school is in session. Costs for participation are as follows:
Registration Fee for the per child: $100.00
Hourly Fee Registered: $10.00 per child/per hour
Hourly Fee Unregistered: $12.00 per child/per hour
For more information regarding our program, please call the school office at (925) 935-5054.
Is the junior high departmentalized?
Junior high grades are departmentalized and students have different teachers for Science, Social Studies, Math, Religion and English. In grades 6-8, math and writing classes are split into smaller groups. In math for Grade 8 there is an 8th grade introduction to algebra concepts and an Algebra 1 section for qualified students.
Are uniforms worn at St. Mary?
All students in grades TK through Grade 8 wear a uniform.
In addition to the standard academic classes, what other classes/resources are offered at St. Mary School
Additional Activities Include:
Students attend Mass and other church activities on a regular basis.
All classes receive instruction in Spanish, Art Appreciation and Technology.
A resource specialist is available to students.
Physical Education is taught twice a week to Grades TK - 8.
Students participate in an annual Art Fair.
Junior High students have electives once a week.
Music is taught weekly by a music specialist.
Middle School grades participate in Science Fair.
Faith Families, which are typically comprised of one student in each grade level, meet to celebrate our Catholic Faith through activities, prayer, song and outreach
Junior Achievement is a parent volunteer program for Grades K-8 that educates young people to value free enterprise, business, and economics.
Field trips and guest speakers are offered throughout the school year.
Students participate in STEAM and coding activities.